She won the discus and shot put events at the 2009 Brazilian national championships. She holds the South American record in both events. She won her seventh continental discus title at the 2009 South American Championships in Athletics with a championship record of 61 metres. She also won the shot put silver medal behind Chilean Natalia Ducó. She added the 2009 Lusophony Games shot put gold to her list of honours the following month. In the 2010 season, she won the discus gold at the 2010 Ibero-American Championships and later gained her fourteenth national title in the discus at the Troféu Brasil de Atletismo.
She is the Brazilian record holder in the discus throw and also holds the shot put national record both indoors and out.

Full name: Adriano Maria Elisângela
Date of birth: 27/07/1972
Place of birth: São Paulo (SP)
Height: 1.80 m
Weight: 96 kg
Residence: São Paulo (SP)
Club: BM & F / Sao Caetano
Proof: pitches for weight and hard
Participations in Olympics: Atlanta and Athens-1996-2004
Campaign in Athens: 18th place in shot put and 13th place in the discus thrower
Major achievements: Gold (disc) at the Winnipeg Pan-1999, silver (weight) in the Santo Domingo Pan-2003
Record: South American weight (19.30 m) and disk (61.96 m)
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